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Impfungen und neurologische Erkrankungen 

Eine neue privat finanzierte amerikanische Untersuchung hat die neurologische Risiken geimpfter Kinder untersucht. Die Daten von 17000 Kindern wurden in telefonischen Umfragen als "Self-report survey" gewonnen. Geimpfte Buben hätten demnach signifikant häufiger ADHS  und Autismus (> 2x) wie ungeimpfte. Es sei der erste größere Vergleich von Geimpften und Ungeimpften zu diesem Thema.

The Age of Autism: Study sees vaccine risk


WASHINGTON, June 26 (UPI) -- A new, privately funded survey finds vaccinated U.S. children have a significantly higher risk of neurological disorders -- including autism -- than unvaccinated children. In one striking finding, vaccinated boys 11-17 were more than twice as likely to have autism as their never-vaccinated counterparts. The telephone survey of parents representing a total of 17,000 children appears to be the first of its kind -- and contrasts starkly with several government-backed studies that have found no risk from vaccines.

"No one has ever compared prevalence rates of these neurological disorders between vaccinated and unvaccinated children," said J.B. Handley, father of a child with autism and co-founder of Generation Rescue, which commissioned the $200,000 survey conducted by SurveyUSA, a respected marketing firm. "The phone survey isn't perfect, but these numbers point to the need for a comprehensive national study to gather this critical information....

Results highlighted by Generation Rescue:

-- "Among more than 9,000 boys age 4-17, vaccinated boys were 2.5 times (155 percent) more likely to have neurological disorders, 224 percent more likely to have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and 61 percent more likely to have autism."

-- "For older vaccinated boys in the 11-17 age bracket, the results were even more pronounced. Vaccinated boys were 158 percent more likely to have a neurological disorder, 317 percent more likely to have ADHD, and 112 percent more likely to have autism." ...